Dear Families,
Well, it is here, the 2020-2021 school year! We are officially calling it a “Return to Learn” because we also look forward to the day when students and staff can safely return to North Penn’s eighteen schools.
While we cannot guarantee that tomorrow will go perfectly, nor the next day, or the day after that, we gratefully look forward to what it will be! While we recognize that there will be a learning curve for all of us, the end product will be a robust academic program designed to deliver an outstanding education. I assure you that NPSD staff is working extremely hard to make the launch of our online learning run smoothly, and there will be both successes and challenges. I ask that everyone just be patient.
We invite you to share your photos of what virtual learning looks like for you as we return to learn on Monday, August 31.
View your “First Day Return to Learn” printable sign and instructions on how to share your photos with us.
Below are resources and instructions you may find helpful over the next week. And as a reminder, email [email protected] with any questions you have regarding technology.
First week schedule
Technology/Canvas/Schedule Resources
Chromebook Resources
Return to Learn 2020-21 Information
Finally, please take a moment to watch the welcome back video below.

I hope that you continue to stay well and North Penn Strong.
Dr. Curtis R. Dietrich